Automating Azure Machine Learning Studio Pipelines

Gathering and preparing data for training can be a time-consuming process. In the world of machine learning, data is the foundation upon which successful models are built. Azure offers a powerful solution by combining Azure Data Factory and Azure Machine Learning Studio to automate the creation of datasets and the subsequent training pipeline. In this … Read more

Connection to CRM Organization with Python

Connecting to a CRM organization and securely accessing its data can sometimes be a complex task. In this blog post, we will explore a Python script that leverages Microsoft Azure Active Directory and OAuth 2.0 authentication to streamline the process of connecting to a CRM organization. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of … Read more

Simplifying Data Backups: Backing up Dynamics CRM to Azure Data Lake using Azure Synapse Link

Dynamics CRM, a powerful CRM platform offered by Microsoft, plays a pivotal role in managing customer interactions, sales, and other crucial business processes. However, ensuring the security and availability of this vital data is of paramount importance. That’s where data backups come into the picture. This blog post explores the significance of safeguarding crucial data … Read more

Boosting Productivity in Dynamics 365 CRM with JavaScript Bookmarklets

When working with Dynamics 365 CRM, having quick access to relevant data and streamlined workflows is crucial for enhancing productivity. One powerful tool that can assist in achieving this is JavaScript bookmarklets. In this article, we’ll explore how JavaScript bookmarklets can be leveraged to improve productivity in Dynamics 365 CRM by showcasing a few practial … Read more

Removing Rows with Missing Data in Power BI using a Measure

Power BI is a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization. When working with large datasets, it’s common to encounter missing data, which can affect the accuracy of insights and visualizations. In this blog post, we will explore how to create a Power BI measure to remove rows with missing data from a table, ensuring … Read more

Integrate Power BI in D365: Open Power BI Reports with Record Filtering

In this blog post, we will explore how to integrate Dynamics CRM with Power BI by creating a web resource that opens a Power BI report and applies record filtering based on the current CRM record. Prerequisite for this is a already in PowerBI Service hosted Report. The Script The HTML code is creating a … Read more

Enhance Your Power BI Analysis with a Central Date Table

In the realm of data analysis and reporting, effective time-based analysis is essential for gaining valuable insights. Power BI, a powerful business intelligence tool, offers a range of features to handle time-related data. One of the best practices for optimizing time intelligence in Power BI is utilizing a central date table. In this blog post, … Read more

Breaking Down / Splitting Large CSV Files with PowerShell

Handling large CSV files efficiently is a common challenge for data analysts and IT professionals alike. Manipulating such files can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, often resulting in performance issues. In this blog post, we will explore a PowerShell script that helps break down large CSV files into smaller, more manageable chunks. By leveraging PowerShell’s capabilities, … Read more

Identifying Unused Azure Resources in Your Subscription with PowerShell

In any Azure subscription, over time, you may accumulate a variety of resources that are no longer actively being used. These unused resources can contribute to unnecessary costs and clutter in your environment. To optimize your Azure infrastructure, it’s essential to identify and manage these resources efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you … Read more

Securing Dynamics 365: Disabling Subgrid Access Based on Security Roles

Dynamics 365 provides a robust platform for managing customer relationships and streamlining business processes. One critical aspect of maintaining data integrity is ensuring that only authorized users can perform certain actions within the system. In this blog post, we will explore a JavaScript approach to disable a subgrid on the marketing list entity in Dynamics … Read more