Transitioning from PSA to PO: Fix the Custom control declaration for form factor missing for control Error

As a Microsoft D365 Consultant, I’ve encountered a more and more frequent challenge: migrating from Project Service Automation (PSA) to Microsofts new Creation – Project Operations (PO). This transition is crucial for businesses seeking enhanced project management capabilities or looking forward to migrate before PSA runs out of support. Today, I’ll share insights on the … Read more

D365 PSA fix “All Transactions from this invoice have either been corrected or are being processed” Error

In the realm of Dynamics CRM 365 Project Service Automation, seamless invoice correction is imperative for operational efficiency. Recently, a client approached me with a perplexing issue: suddenly, they were unable to correct invoices. An ominous error message greeted them, suggesting that all transactions on the invoice had either been corrected or were in the … Read more

3 Methods To Configure Your Power BI Dataset Refresh Schedule

In Microsofts data driven universe, keeping your Power BI reports up-to-date is crucial. Power BI offers several ways to configure refresh schedules, ensuring your data is always current. In this blog post, we’ll explore three effective methods to schedule dataset refreshes and keep your Power BI reports running smoothly with up to date data. Method … Read more

Fixing the ‘503 Server is Busy’ Error

Power BI is a powerful business intelligence tool that allows organizations to create interactive reports and dashboards. To ensure that your data is up-to-date, Power BI allows you to schedule data refreshes using Powerbi-Dataflows. However, when working with data sources like Azure Data Lake Gen2, you may encounter issues like the “Server is Busy” error. … Read more

Accessing Optionset Display values and their corresponding numeric values with the hidden Stringmaps entity

One of the lesser-known but incredibly powerful tables in Dataverse is the “Stringmaps” table. This table holds a treasure trove of information about optionsets and their options, making it a valuable resource for developers and administrators alike. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the “Stringmaps” table, understanding its structure and how it helps … Read more

Enhance Your Power BI Analysis with a Central Date Table

In the realm of data analysis and reporting, effective time-based analysis is essential for gaining valuable insights. Power BI, a powerful business intelligence tool, offers a range of features to handle time-related data. One of the best practices for optimizing time intelligence in Power BI is utilizing a central date table. In this blog post, … Read more

Cancel a variety of Microsoft Power Automate flows

Today I was faced with the task of maintaining a quite complex flow with several wait conditions. Some of these conditions should be changed, the running flows should be canceled, the flow should be processed and restarted. But at the current time there were already flows waiting. Many flows. Actually, a total of 170 of … Read more