How to receive free Microsoft certifiction vouchers

In today’s fast-paced tech industry, continuous learning is paramount to staying ahead of the curve. Microsoft, a renowned technology leader, recognizes the significance of upskilling and offers an excellent opportunity through its Virtual Training Days program. These free training courses, tailored for individuals already familiar with Microsoft, provide a pathway to earn vouchers for certifications … Read more

Restart Azure VM with PowerShell and Service Principle

Make sure to replace the placeholders (YOUR_TENANT_ID, YOUR_CLIENT_ID, YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET, YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, YOUR_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,YOUR_VM_’NAME) with your actual values. This script first authenticates with Azure using the provided service principal credentials ($tenantId, $clientId, $clientSecret). Then it connects to the Azure account using the service principal credentials. After successful authentication, the script restarts the specified virtual machine ($vmName) in the … Read more